Guaranteed Irish Blog

UN Climate Report presents climate solutions to avoid climate catastrophe

Written by Patrick Cantwell | Apr 6, 2022 10:05:45 AM

The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have reported that to limit the global temperature to 1.5C, immediate action to reduce greenhouse gases is necessary “now or never” to avoid climate catastrophe. The report indicates that the global average annual greenhouse gas emissions over the last 10 years is the highest in human history.


Guaranteed Irish members are invited to read and take note of the recent report ( which provides solutions for climate mitigation and encourages climate action across all sectors. To limit rising temperatures, emissions must peak before 2025. This will require a rapid response with immediate reductions. Without deep emission cuts across all sectors and regions, 1.5C is out of reach.


Through climate solutions outlined in this report, Guaranteed Irish members can help build a low carbon economy which will create climate resilient jobs that will last. There are options across all sectors and regions that can cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least half by 2030. This scale of reduction is necessary to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.


Increase Low Carbon Energy

The use of coal must be reduced by 95% globally by 2050, with oil reducing by 60% and gas by 45%. To reduce fossil fuel use, low carbon alternatives must be implemented in the energy sector. Low carbon energy use begins with the basics of energy efficiency, increasing to renewable energy use, electrifying heating systems, encouraging active mobility through walking and cycling instead of driving and through deploying hydrogen.


Renewable Energy

Renewable energy will be required to supply electricity demand. The cost of renewable technology has fallen over the last 10 years. This is important as renewable energy is key for fast reduction of emissions which includes the electrification of transport, industrial processes, and heating buildings.

New and current coal power plants need to be discontinued as it promotes business as usual, resulting in the production of harmful carbon emissions which will see the 1.5C goal missed.


Urban Planning

Urban planning has an important part to play in climate action. More walkable and cyclable communities present an opportunity for both residents and businesses. The 15-minute city model promotes sustainable neighborhoods where housing, jobs, retail, hospitals, and schools are all close by and easily accessible through connected infrastructure.

Increasing the use of public transport, creating more cycle lanes, increasing the uptake of working from home or hybrid working styles, online meetings and conferences, improved supply chain management and investing in an electric fleet will reduce the transport emissions in businesses and cities.


Individual Choices

Each choice we make has an impact on the climate. Individual choice alone makes only modest contributions to emission reductions, however, through building regulations, urban planning, vehicle efficiency standards, carbon taxes and low carbon infrastructure, individuals have clear options to make the most sustainable choices. Through a plant-based diet, minimising waste, purchasing circular products, and choosing sustainable and active mobility, all help reduce an individual’s carbon impact.

The next few years are critical to get back on track to 1.5C and Guaranteed Irish members can use the tools we already have to create low carbon communities.


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