[Case Study] Guaranteed Irish Commitment To The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

October 10, 2024
[Case Study] Guaranteed Irish Commitment To The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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Guaranteed Irish: Championing Holistic Sustainability and Driving Positive Change

The Guaranteed Irish symbol empowers consumers and businesses to make informed choices that are #AllTogetherBetter for communities across Ireland. We award the license to companies that create quality jobs, support local communities, and are committed to Irish provenance.

At its core, Guaranteed Irish embodies the essence of holistic sustainability, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In 2022, we took a step forward by fully integrating the SDGs into our initiatives, placing a sharp focus on key areas such as decent work, sustainable communities, responsible consumption, and climate action (SDGs 8, 11, 12, and 13). These principles resonate with our 50-year-old mission of supporting businesses that drive positive, lasting change across Ireland and beyond.


SDG8 Decent Work and Economic growth


SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

At Guaranteed Irish, we believe in the importance of creating opportunities that promote diversity, inclusion, and equal progression for all. Under SDG 8, we are committed to ensuring that job opportunities provided by our licensed members adhere to these values. Through a comprehensive appraisal process, we maintain high standards of employment quality, fostering work environments that support personal growth and fulfilment.

Our commitment to economic growth extends beyond employment. We actively host a range of events, workshops, and networking opportunities, enabling our members to drive innovation and sustainable economic growth throughout Ireland.


SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities


SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Local communities are the backbone of sustainable businesses and societal well-being. In alignment with SDG 11, we recognise the vital role our members play in their local communities. We assess our members based on their engagement through community initiatives such as donations, sponsorships, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects.

Every member is expected to demonstrate a tangible commitment to fostering positive change within the communities they serve. This dedication strengthens the social fabric and builds resilient, sustainable cities and communities.


SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production


SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Sustainability isn't just about environmental responsibility—it's about encouraging ethical business practices. In line with SDG 12, we advocate for responsible consumption and production. Our initiatives, such as Guaranteed Irish House and Guaranteed Irish Gifts, promote the use of local products and services, supporting a circular economy while reinforcing Ireland's local economies.


SDG 13 Climate Action


SDG 13: Climate Action 

In 2023, over 52% of our members adopted formal sustainability strategies. Our Sustainability Roadmap and online Sustainability Hub are at the forefront of driving this shift, offering resources and guidance for businesses integrating sustainability into their core strategies. Our regular leadership events and awareness campaigns, featuring keynote speakers such as Vice Admiral Mark Mellett, further underscore our commitment to fostering leadership in sustainability.


Taking action on climate change is central to our mission. Our Guaranteed Irish Forest initiative, launched in 2023 in partnership with The Nature Trust and backed by Coillte, is a significant contribution to SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 15 (Life on Land), and SDG 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing). This native woodland project is not only helping to combat climate change but also promoting biodiversity and enhancing public health and well-being.

A Commitment to Measuring Impact

We hold ourselves accountable by continuously monitoring and reporting on our impact against each SDG. Through a comprehensive set of internal KPIs and metrics, we aim to maximise the positive outcomes for our members and the broader community. Our goal is to achieve measurable, lasting results that contribute to a more sustainable future for Ireland.


For more information on aligning your business to the Sustainable Development Goals visit our section on the Sustainability Hub. 


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